While it may be terribly tempting to leave your job in a blaze of glory, letting everyone know exactly what you think of them and the job you are gleefully leaving, the repercussions can be unpleasant. 

Once a friend worked for a very large multinational company, in a regional branch (where there were still over 500 employees). More than once disgruntled ex- (or soon to be ex-) employees sent branch-wide emails letting literally EVERYONE in the entire company know what they thought!

Quite often, I’m sure, this occurs when an employee has finally “had it”, but it’s a very bad idea for a number for reasons. Put yourself in that position. The problem is that not only are you leaving a job in a way guaranteed to get you no positive references, but you are also leaving a lot of people with a very bad impression of you. And these are people who may know future potential employers you may want to work for one day! Unless you are planning on leaving the city or the country forever, it’s sometimes best to keep your thoughts to yourself. 

Even if you’ve never had the urge to tell everyone in your organization what you think about them and the company, you may have wanted to at least let your boss or a couple of choice colleagues know your true feelings. Again, it may seem satisfying but always remember that these people know other people… and those other people also know other people… and so on and so forth. So you’re not letting several hundred people know how much your company sucks, but your negativity may still spread much further and wider than you ever imagined it would!

In fact, it’s probably a great idea to keep all your negative opinions to yourself! While your boss may have been a loathsome specimen of humanity, letting everyone know your opinion of him isn’t a good idea. It could get back to him, and if you’re using him as a reference for your new job, that is something that would definitely work against you.

Some people leave their jobs so angry that they are tempted to do stupid things like steal or damage company property. Needless to say, this is definitely a bad idea. Not only can you get into trouble professionally, but you could also find criminal charges raised against you, which could threaten your entire future career. 

Finally, try and leave your job on a good note, even when you are glad to be rid of the company and hope you never see your boss or half your colleagues ever again. You never know what the future may hold!